James           So Clara, how important are colours?

Clara              They’re extremely important. We live in a colourful world and colours affect our home, our work, our mood, everything.

James           What’s the world’s favourite colour, do you think?

Clara              Definitely blue. It’s the colour of the sky and the sea. It’s difficult to imagine a world without blue.

James           Indeed. And what does the colour blue represent?

Clara              For most people it’s a colour of security and stability. Thirty-three per cent of the world’s leading companies have blue in their logo – companies like IBM, Samsung and Ford.

James           Interesting. Is it also a popular choice for cars?

Clara              Not really. White is currently the most popular followed by silver. White is perceived as a sophisticated, modern colour particularly because of Apple and the iPhone.

James           I suppose it’s still traditionally the colour for wedding dresses as well?

Clara              In the Western world it is, but in Asia it’s the colour associated with death.

James           I see. So, what colours are worn at their weddings?

Clara              In China and Japan the bride traditionally wears red.

James           And is it true that a red car costs more to insure than other colours?

Clara              No, that’s a myth. Red is a colour which is full of passion and enthusiasm. It’s said that a red front door brings good fortune to the people in that home. As for all colour cars, the problem is if you don’t stop at a red light.

James           Yes, very true. Which brings us to green. What products are associated with green?

Clara              It’s the colour we associate most with nature, obviously. It’s a very relaxing colour and stops you feeling nervous. Politically it’s linked with ecology and helping the planet.

James           And that leaves just one of the primary colours. What can you tell us about yellow?

Clara              Most countries in the world see yellow as a happy colour. It represents sunlight. In fact, it’s the easiest colour for humans to see. That’s why school buses and taxis use it. It’s also viewed as good value for money – rather like orange.

James           Orange is good value for money?

Clara              Of course. That’s why certain supermarkets or budget airlines have it as their colour. It’s also a warm colour. If you paint walls in a light orange colour, people will actually feel warmer. Tests have shown an increase of one or two degrees.

James           That’s amazing. Well, we’ve covered most of the colours. Anything you can tell me about purple?

Clara              It’s the second most popular colour for females, after blue. It’s a mix of red and blue and is liked by creative people. It also represents wealth and royalty in a lot of countries.

James           And last of all, black.

Clara              Black is mysterious. It’s not really a colour according to some people. When Ford started to mass-produce cars in the United States, he offered every colour, provided it was black! Don’t forget London taxis are black and a black cat brings good luck – but only in Britain.

James           It’s been great talking to you, Clara. Thank you very much.

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